ちあみに、这家欧洲金融机构愿意用5千多S$一个月的配套请像我这样的人处理和日本客户有关系的业务。新币五千多块一个月虽然也不算多,因为在东京也不乏比这个配套好许多的工作机会找上门;可是它毕竟比奖学金好用了许多。问题是,我真的很懒。宁愿躲在东大校园“笑看庭前花幵花落﹔去留無意,望天上云卷云舒。", 也不愿意为五斗米而折腰。
以下是其中两个工作机会的descriptions,一个在stationed in新加坡,一个在日本。另外有一份在东京的和電視媒体业有关.原本想去看看有没有机会去打parttime赚点钱順便學點新東西玩玩,却腾不出时间来,沒有勁回复那个女社长要和我见面会谈的意愿。真是,懶得像一頭粉紅色的小豬:P
As what you have discussed with Lalit over the phone, we would like to extend to you our opportunity for the USER ADMINSITRATOR position for a permanent role with our Banking client. Below are the details of the job.
The Position – User Administrator (Japanese Speaker)
The person will be part of a team who will be responsible for the provisioning, monitoring and review of access to the Company’s applications and platforms. On a daily basis, the position will grant, revoke and update users’ access to applications and platforms and monitors systems to ensure that only approved access is held by users. They also coordinates the review of users’ access by managers on a quarterly basis. Various projects and audit-related tasks are performed regularly and as needed. This role specifically is to support our Japanese office, hence fluency in Japanese is essential
2.Job Openings (stationed in Japan)
POSITION Title: Business Development Manager
The position of Business Development Manager is a key senior appointment of Goodpack Japan. As such, the Position has the responsibility to develop the business for the Japan market meeting the budget, business goals and objectives as well as continue to grow the business in line with the strategic plan set by the Corporate HQ.
REPORTS TO (position): - Chief Operating Officer- HQ on business development
matter.Reports fortnightly and occasionally on demand
- Country GM for other matters
Daniel in the Lions Den
25 Then king Darius wrote unto all people, nations, and languages, that
dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you. 26 I make a decree,
That in e...
11 years ago
Sunny, 你的研究计划进行得如何?如果你到东大来读ITASIA,可以顺便利用这个学府的学习设施多学至少一种语言。日后无论去到何处,可以“打遍天下无敌手”。
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