Re: Hi
Hmm..Looks like I have been blocked to read you blog. 老友!被人误解难免气愤。网上公开写作本应是件自娱又娱人的消遣/精神寄托嘛!既然是虚拟世界,有时候来几个无知又无聊的网友来捣蛋自娱也是无法避免的事儿。你越是生气,他们也是得逞,也意味着他们的胜利,又何苦呢!
有时候学西方人的作风“ Who cares?" " Don't sweat the small staff!"." so what?“。" Let's move on!, it is not worthwhile". 若做人做事都要迎合每人的认可而做茧自缠实在太对不起自己嘛!别说他们是虚拟的网友,即使获得现实生活每人的芳心也是不可能的事!
You should know from your bottom of your heart that you have incredible amount of friends, wonderful hobbies. It doesn't have to be written in black and white and you know it!万岁!加油哦!
I don't have your talent of writing. That is why it take very long time for me to write or give comments. But I really enjoy your blogs:)That is what it counts! True friends doesn't need to be many!
Daniel in the Lions Den
25 Then king Darius wrote unto all people, nations, and languages, that
dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you. 26 I make a decree,
That in e...
11 years ago