對於我呀,“花零蝶褪春芳歇,酒醉夢醒冬至來”. 正好描繪了这两天“Christmas party freak前後的浮光掠影。昨天一口气参加了两个圣诞聚餐,一个是新加坡JUGAS伙伴Michael和一群日本专业人士为主(20人),另外一个以一群学生为主(30人),一大伙人聚首起哄,倒也其乐融融;快乐无边。美中不足的是印象中两边的聚餐食物都很一般。晚上还得去“2次会”另外吃一顿,搞得来不及搭井之头12点38分那班最终电车,而改道乘新宿小田急線の最終電車由另一个车站代々木上原步行20分回寮。
由KL回來東京之後,不小心陷入了沒有底的晦暗世界.今早爬起來身體一度不聽使喚,完全不想動彈.只是要做的事情真的太多了,沒有多餘時間讓我活在隔夜的悲哀.起來!最後還是撐著渾身痠疼和疲累去學校上課,出席了社會心理學的講義(seeking social support:Parents in Electronic support groups by Kristin D.Mickelson of Harvard Medical School and University of Michigan ,Coming out in the age of the Internet :Identity " Demarginalization Through Virtual Group Participation byJohn A.Bargh NewYORK Uni),參與了新教育制度批判討論會議以及橋元研討會.
As what you have discussed with Lalit over the phone, we would like to extend to you our opportunity for the USER ADMINSITRATOR position for a permanent role with our Banking client. Below are the details of the job.
The Position – User Administrator (Japanese Speaker)
The person will be part of a team who will be responsible for the provisioning, monitoring and review of access to the Company’s applications and platforms. On a daily basis, the position will grant, revoke and update users’ access to applications and platforms and monitors systems to ensure that only approved access is held by users. They also coordinates the review of users’ access by managers on a quarterly basis. Various projects and audit-related tasks are performed regularly and as needed. This role specifically is to support our Japanese office, hence fluency in Japanese is essential
2.Job Openings (stationed in Japan) POSITION Title: Business Development Manager
The position of Business Development Manager is a key senior appointment of Goodpack Japan. As such, the Position has the responsibility to develop the business for the Japan market meeting the budget, business goals and objectives as well as continue to grow the business in line with the strategic plan set by the Corporate HQ.
REPORTS TO (position): - Chief Operating Officer- HQ on business development matter.Reports fortnightly and occasionally on demand - Country GM for other matters
Daniel in the Lions Den
25 Then king Darius wrote unto all people, nations, and languages, that
dwell in all the earth; Peace be multiplied unto you. 26 I make a decree,
That in e...
Life may change,but it may fly not; Hope may vanish,but can die not; Truth be veiled, but still it
burtneth;Love repulsed,----but it returneth.人生の中に夢があるのではなく夢の中に人生がある.
I'm walking in the favour of God, his grace and mercy has brought me this far. I will believe all that His word says about me; lack and poverty, it's not my destiny. I'm walking, I'm living, I'm walking in the favour of GOD.
His favour (his favour) is better (is better) than life to me, the blessings of Jesus make me rich in victory.